Last week was pretty chill and so is this week. I know I should try to use this time to get ahead but it’s hard to find the motivation especially when I reason with myself by saying I deserve this time to relax especially since I have been working hard. Nonetheless, I am going to work up the motivation to be productive, even for Otelia Cromwell day (which is this Thursday). Anyway, this weekend I went to a Bible retreat in New Hampshire. Even though, I don’t feel I really feel myself grow spiritually, I feel as though I was meant to go for mental health reasons. Not being on campus with people obsessing over grades and instead just enjoying the fresh outdoors and enjoying friends was important for me. I enjoyed a lot of the things I did with Aboni and Claire as well as with my small group. Overall I don’t think I regret going.

Also, I just got back from the doctors for my wrist and it turns out I have tissue damage so that’s unfortunate :// But yeah that is it for this week!

What happened to jermbot? And also your wrist? What were you doing so that your wrist tissue got like that 🤭 I’m glad you made the time to go to the retreat! Whenever Claire would go I would be like, how’d she find the time to do dat. But we make time for whatever we really want to I’ve found. Like I can be like oh I can’t do that bc I don’t have time. But if I really wanted to do it I would make the time.
Goodbye jermbot 😔😔 Also rip to your wrist hope it feels better soon