A lot has happened in the span of this week and I don’t even know how to process any of it especially since I have gotten little sleep. So because of my little brain power this week, I’m going to just say what I did day by day.
I drove 10 straight hours through the night (from 9 at night to 7 in the morning)t. It was peaceful being alone with my thoughts and good music. But the actual driving part was hard: I had to keep darting my eyes between the three mirrors, the speedometer, and checking either sides of the highway for deer. There were several deer that night and one ran across the highway which startled me. But I made it near DC before switching with my mom to drive the rest of the way.
My mom and I got to Long Island and picked up Aboni and headed to Montauk to enjoy the waves. The waves were really strong and the undertows were intense but that’s what makes it fun to go to the beach. We stayed into the night, so high tide came in. We were pretty far from the original shore but by the end of the night, the water was probably only 10 feet away. Anyway, the fireworks were pretty and the crowd was excitable so it made the show nice.

Aboni and I met up with Rachel in the morning. We got breakfast together at this cute little cafe in Upper Manhattan. We tried to speak French as much as possible but it ended pretty quick cause my French skills are pretty bad now. Anyhow, we drove Rachel to port authority along with my mom. Then later that day Aboni and I meet up with Emma and hung out in her neck of the woods. We went to a Chinese restaurant, walked around Forrest Hills, and ate at this bakery before heading to Brooklyn to visit my sister. Sadly that was a bust, my sister was fast sleep after a long day of work so we drove back to Emma’s house.

I took a bus up to Boston and it was okay. I sat next to this sketchy guy who took up most of the seat :/ luckily I had to get off at Providence, RI. Speaking of, the city is pretty cool. It’s definitely a place I would like to visit again. Once in Boston, I met up with Caitlin and we went to get Dim Sum. Getting to these places was pretty challenging: my suitcase was huge and it was pretty hot out. And only once it was an inconvenience did I realize how many stairs there are around. But luckily Caitlin was nice enough to help me lug things around so it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. Anyways, when we got back to Caitlin’s place we watched a bunch of anime and fangirled. Later that day, Erin came over and we along with Karina got bubble tea before Erin left back for Norwood. When Caitlin and I got back, we watched some of my favorite movie (I killed my mother) and then talked for a while before going to sleep.

Caitlin and I tried to do some work so we went to this cute cafe for most of the morning and worked on stuff. Afterwards Caitlin graciously bought me and her some Chinese fried dough and ate it out on a Charles River dock. From the dock, the city was so picturesque and serene and I honestly could’ve stayed on that dock all day. After some time, we left for Caitlin’s place and cooked. I made some surprisingly good chicken and Caitlin made some well-cooked rice. We invited Karina over and we ate and watched some Jermbot. We stumbled across this guy called Kurtis. He is super funny and makes really good, original content. Later that day we went to get some McFluries and went to Karina’s place (I wanted to see it). Unfortunately Caitlin couldn’t come with us since she didn’t have her ID. So I went up with Karina and saw her place real quick then we came back down and all three of us stayed in Karina’s lobby until dark. When Caitlin and I got back to her apartment, we watched two episodes of Yuri on Ice which I have to say was surprisingly good. I related a lot to Japanese Yuri and a lot.

Caitlin and I met up with Erin early in the morning at South Station. The wheel of my suitcase broke off so pulling it around was super cumbersome. We hung out for a few hours in Chinatown before Caitlin had to part ways for work. Erin and I stayed in Boston Common for a bit before we went to her house. We watched Hereditary that night and she said she liked it :)
It was a pretty slow day, Erin and I ran some errands. Later in the evening we went to get ice cream with her friends and sisters then afterwards played Anomia. It was nice, they are all silly and and love to laugh. I enjoyed myself and I appreciate Erin letting me meet and hang out with them :)
So yeah that was my week! I'm a little crunched for time so I couldn't really elaborate, I hope y'all still enjoy it. Do good this week and remember your lord and savior Keanu Reeves!

I'm still proud u got this post in on time. Am I saying "Cheeto Bath Bomb" in that second vid? Why do I have no memory of this...? Also it sounds like you had such a nice time with your family and friends I'm so glad :-)
thanks for that very flattering pic 😖 but the one of you and your mom is actually so cute!
i can't imagine driving that long but maybe one day i'll have to :/
it's so nice that you're making the rounds and also I can't believe you're still rewatching I killed my Mother and Hereditary 🤭