I know people say once you leave school, your motivation usually drops but I didn't realize just how bad it would be. A lot of things that are important to me just aren't thaaaat important to me you know? Like I have been trying for the longest to apply to post bacc programs and I am having the hardest problem doing so. I feel like because I can't write the way I want to, I quickly become frustrated and discourage. But! I told myself that I HAVE to finish everything this week, so hopefully that happens.
On a lighter note, since I have been trying to find ways to calm myself from writing, I have been on more walks! This has allowed me to realize that spring is upon us! There has been a lot more flowers and the weather has even been rising into no jacket temperatures (apparently tomorrow it will be 62 degrees :0).

I have solidified most everything for my trips which is exciting. I just have to book Venice hostel, book an airbnb, and my flixbus tickets to Amiens and I'll be set :D.
Also, I have been making a lot of progress on my Domino dance! I started off only able to "do" it at 0.25 speed, then at 0.75 speed, and now I can do it at full speed! I am hoping by next last video that I'll have it perfected :D
That is all for me: I will leave some of this week's photos and as usual, have a great week peapol!

Watched the sunset and the Eiffel Tower come to life while eating a sandwich :)
The Rats were enjoying the view and eating too :D

Anyways, my mom is coming tomorrow so I am really excited! Though, I have to wake up bright and early tomorrow to pick her up T-T. BYEEEEEEEEE!!!!
haha you guys (sebastian included) are funny about wanting to leave but then missing it too, but fair, fair. i feel you on the procrastination stuff, like there are things I know I could and should be doing but am not... but yes! I'm so glad that spring is springing hehe the warmer weather is so nice, can't wait until it's here to stay. also cute pics from paris!! I like the rat video and whoever was saying it was cute XD I think most of paris would disagree. also the jujutsu kaisen pic has me >-<
I wanna go back to france
oh la la!!! love the pics, so nice, wish i was with you :))